Acoustic Sounds準備在2016年底開始出版盤帶,預計出版12個盤帶,年底前先推出Janis Ian'的Breaking Silence 與 Ben Webster's的Gentle Ben,其他10種分別是:Rickie Lee Jones' It's like This / Hugh Masakela's Hope / Rachmaninoff's Symphonic Dances (the famous Turnabout recording) / Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's Scheherazade (RCA Living Stereo) / Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's Pines of Rome and Fountains of Rome (RCA Living Stereo) / Leopold Stokowski's Rhapsodies (RCA Living Stereo) / René Leibowitz and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra The Power of The Orchestra (RCA Living Stereo) / Fritz Reiner and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra's Lieutenant Kije and Stravinksy's Song of the Nightingale (RCA Living Stereo) / Abel /Steinberg - Beethoven Violin Sonata (Wilson Audio) / and Lowell Graham's Winds of War & Peace (Wilson Audio).
這些盤帶都是15ips 四分之一英吋帶,使用ATR修改的Ampex錄音做拷貝,每卷帶子售價450美元。如果您一次訂購12捲,那就是付11捲的錢,免費送一捲。Acoustic Sound決定用15 ips的帶速是正確的,這種速度才能聽到盤帶的美好聲音。
450美元一卷說便宜不便宜,說貴也還好,如果是真的如他們所言,從Master Tape拷下來的,效果應該不錯,何況這12捲都是音響迷熟悉的軟體。假若不是從Master Tape所拷下,那就有待考驗了。
不過,買這種盤帶比較困擾的是等化,歐規等化系統是CCIR(IEC Comité Consultatif International pour la Radio ),美規等化用的是NAB( National Association of Broadcasters) ,除非您的盤帶機上面這二種等化可調,否則就會遇上等化不合的問題。NAB等化點設在3150Hz與50H,CCIR只設高頻等化點在4500Hz,低頻不等化。要解決這二種等化問題,其實可以外接一個被動式等化線路,這裡有教你怎麼做:
我看Joy Audio要頭痛了,Analogue Productions是他代理的,到底要不要進口這每卷售價450美元的盤帶呢?