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[業界要聞] 聖誕年終採購指南......For MAN

jackie 發表於 2012-11-24 22:13:20 |已閱:88527|評論:7| 只看該作者 來自 台灣
MOGA Controller - $49.99


The MOGA Controller for Android is the coolest thing I didn’t know I wanted until I saw it. As advanced as touchscreen games have become, analog sticks and buttons will always be a better way to control on-screen action that requires quick reflexes and precision skills. MOGA gives you those sticks and buttons (including shoulder buttons) and easily let’s you physically mount your Android phone (wait, what?), for a seamless gaming experience that just works quickly and intuitively via Bluetooth. The Dark Knight Returns was mobile-only (and the only game associated with that blockbuster) and is way better with some buttons and sticks to control the action. Of course it’s another piece of hardware to carry but it’s only intended for those who play games on their big screen Android phones (No flip phoners and f*** yo couch, iOS!). If you’re going to play games on your phone--including a whole slate of upcoming games specifically intended to be used with MOGA-- then do it right.


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jackie 發表於 2012-11-24 22:19:33 |已閱:88527|評論:7| 只看該作者 來自 台灣

Grand Theft Auto V - $59.99


“Wait, Grand Theft Auto V is out now?” you say. “No, lemon lame, I wouldn’t be sitting here typing this if it was,” I say. Then, because you’re the sensitive type, you’d get all pouty and claim that I shouldn’t hold your ignorance against you. Then , feeling guilty, I’d explain that you can and should pre-order GTA V now, that way you don’t have to worry about anything except playing it this coming March. Then, you’d be super happy and ask me how I know it’s coming out in March 2013 when the official line is Spring 2013. Then, I’d tell you “Shhhhh. Don’t ask so many questions. Just get ready to play a GTA game with three main characters set in a fictionalized take on Los Angeles.” Then, because there’s nothing left to talk about, you’d get the hell out of my office.

呦呼!有玩電玩的人應該都知道這款超讚的遊戲「俠盜獵車手」(Grand Theft Auto,俗稱GTA),而編輯推薦的就是大家望穿秋水等待的第五代,預計明年發售!推薦理由是什麼?誰管他啊?有玩過的都知道!

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tim 發表於 2012-11-25 18:35:34 |已閱:88527|評論:7| 只看該作者 來自 台灣
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